Various heaters can also be integrated into the system via our NODE Connect . To do this, you simply need the right adapter cable for your device. These cables are of course also available in our shop. On this page we show you exactly how this works and which heaters are possible.

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Revotion x Truma

Truma Combi heaters

Truma Combi heaters can be integrated into the Revotion system. This works via the CI bus interface on the CP+ control panel. This can then be controlled via our NODE. For all the details, watch the video on Truma integration.

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Revotion x Eberspächer

Eberspächer heaters

With Eberspächer heaters, this is all a bit easier, as the heater can be controlled directly and no display is required. All Airtronic heaters are compatible. With the right adapter cable, you can then connect the NODE directly to the heater. For more details, watch the video on NODE Connect integration.

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Revotion x Heating

Alde, Webasto, Autoterm etc.

We are currently working on many other integrations. Alde will be integrated next and will probably be presented at the CMT, followed by Autoterm and Webasto .

Your heater not there?

Then please write to us about which heating integration you are waiting for. Simply use the chat at the bottom right ✌️ And to make sure you don't miss any new integrations, simply subscribe to our newsletter!


Put together your system

Here you can easily configure your potential system in our configurator. If you don't feel confident enough to do it yourself, you can also easily arrange a free consultation with our experts.

To the configurator For consultation